Friday, November 12, 2010

I Chose to Educate

By Vanessa Carvajal

I always thought that my calling was not to teach. Nevertheless, the experiences lived in my practicum have changed my way of thinking, and every time I feel stronger desires of turning not into a teacher, but into the best, with fresher ideas that will help to change what is established, and thereby, boys and girls will feel the English language closer in their lives, and not as something difficult to learn. As a practicum student, it has been very comforting at the end of the day to feel that I have delivered something of myself to the pupils of the school, whose behavior, maybe, has not been the best, but it helps me to learn techniques of group managing; they must see me as a teacher, and not as an equal young woman, and it is what has been the hardest for me: to be less friendly and become more strict with them, but I know that I still have lots of things to learn about my calling that I have lately found, but than makes me feel proud and happy. So now I can say that to teach is my vocation, and that is why I chose to educate!

A New Member in the Family

By Carolina Delgado

            If you've lived your whole life as an only child in your family, where everyone will make your life easier and simpler, where only a shout or a pot gives you the gift that you want, a new member in the family can be horrible for you. When my nephew of 6 years knew he was going to have a brother, he was jumping up and down out of joy. But when he was born, my oldest nephew felt ignored and excluded, because everybody’s attention went to the new baby. To me it was funny when he cried to us and he told us that nobody loved him, but he probably felt terrible. The whole family talked with him and we told him that our love didn’t changed, that we loved them both the same, it was just that his new brother was younger and he needed more attention. In the end, he understood, he matured and started to behave like a good big brother. So if you are going through the same thing, think that a new member can be more fun, also you really don’t want to be the only one who takes care of your parents when they are old.

My Ideal Job

By Daniela Varas

                  I love all kinds of jobs related with people interaction, but if I had to choose an ideal job I would choose to be a famous musician and singer. Since I was a child I always had talent for music. I learnt how to sing, how to play the piano and I took acting classes. I am also an excellent composer. I have written a lot of songs. But I have never practiced my talent, because everybody tells me that being singer will never be a real profession and it will not last for ever. I know that being a famous musician could be a really difficult job. However, I want to be recognized for my music, for the lyrics of my songs and the emotion of my melodies. If I had to choose someone to work with, it would be Celine Dion. Definitely, she would help me to improve my talent and it would be an honour to sing with her. She is a recognized singer with a terrific talent, an amazing voice and a fantastic career in music. But no matter whom I sing or I play with, for me the objective of being famous for my songs is to pass on the emotion and the sense of my lyrics. Besides, for me it is very important to be an example for young people today because is a good way to say that there are other ways to be happy and successful. Maybe if you have the talent you should do what you like.

How the Internet has Changed my Life

By Gonzalo Frez

Since Internet became available to me, my life changed a lot. I would say it changed everybody's lives. It is a door to the world, indeed, removing boundaries and restrictions which made some things impossible before. As for me, I had to go to libraries, look information up on magazines, newspapers, and books, whereas now I can search through a few websites and have all the information I need without leaving my desk. Also, the best way of entertainment was to watch T.V., or play with friends. However, since the Internet became massively available, I can play with my friends online games, watch videos on Youtube, read news on blogs and online newspapers, and much more! And there have been also many improvements in communication! The telephone is becoming obsolete for me, since I can use Skype to talk with my girlfriend, or use I.M. Services as MSN Messenger to chat with my friends. I can talk to many people at once, while doing several other things, whereas when I used the phone I could only talk to one person, and could only talk, and not do anything else. I think the Internet changed my life a lot, it made everything easier and more accessible.

Domestic Violence

By Carolina Gozategui

One of the most worrying problems that is affecting our country, is the domestic violence, and the real cause of this, is the increase of chauvinism in men. Chauvinism frustrates women’s dignity, and men’s physical violence can cause even women’s death. Nowadays, women are incapable to confront this problem. They are battered psychological and physically, and most of the time they do not talk to someone who can be a support for them, or maybe go immediately to the police and leave some evidence about what happened. They are always frightened of the reaction of their husbands. In fact, in the capital of Chile, Santiago, 50.3% of women have lived some type of violence in their marriage. Therefore, this must be stopped. We can not tolerate that men hurt women without any conscience, causing even death in some cases. The dignity and life go first. And if you know somebody that is suffering this type of violence, you must go immediately to the police and let them know what is happening. A women’s worth is very important, and nobody should attempt against their lives, and of course, their dignity.

Financial Problems

By Oscar Castillo

                  Nowadays some of the most important problems in society are financial problems, and even more importantly is when it happens in your family. One of the factors that causes financial problems is that things are too expensive now, so people who do not have enough money to pay for their needs, cannot live well. My family had financial problems one time and it was awful, we did not have money to pay debts and to buy basic things. That was a very difficult time in my family’s life. For that reason money is so important now, if you want something you will need the money to get it. If you have the chance to watch interviews done to thieves you can notice that they are people who did not have an education, and that is because their parents did not have money to pay school fees and they went to the streets and steal money in order to live well. Finally, money has become in one of the most important things in life, because if you do not have it, life could be more difficult.

Pollution's Terrifying Effects

By Esteban Farias

                   Nowadays the earth is suffering unbelievable changes and pollution is one of the principal causes of them. People are unaware of the great damage that is caused to the earth, for example, people are always throwing the rubbish where it is not supposed to be done and people do not think about how dangerous that is. Forests are getting smaller and smaller because we do not replant the trees when they are cut and this means there is less oxygen in the air. Deserts are getting larger and larger because of the weather which has been changing constantly producing hotter temperatures. The ozone layer has been in a large amount destroyed producing that the sun’s rays hit directly the earth, affecting people’s health and this is because humans are polluting the air. The sea has suffered from lots of oil spills which are very dangerous and can cause terrifying problems like the death of millions of sea animals. The greenhouse effect is also a worrying problem; for instance, more and more heat is being kept in the earth and this can produce that the ice caps are melting, flooding lots of places near the coasts. A really terrifying fact because more than a half the world’s population live near the coast and this is all because all of us are producing greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, which is produced by burning oil, coal, gas, etc. There is enough information about what governments, businesses and people should do in order to slow down global warming. For example, always turn off TVs, DVD players, computers or any kid of electrical equipment since machines use 70 % as much electricity on stand-by as when they are being used. Recycling is another important point if we want to repair all the damage we have caused to the earth. In the end, every day the earth is getting worse because of us. Therefore, if something is not done quickly we will destroy our home.