Friday, November 12, 2010

Working as a Salesman would be The Best Job for me.

By Diego Urbina

            If you asked me what kind of job I want to choose to work, I would choose something related to sales and music, because I am a sales technician. I studied this in High School and when I had to do my practicum I did it in three different places: a drugstore, a cyber café and a shop store. I did not like any of those jobs, because in the first one I had to trick people in order for them to buy expensive medicines; in the second one, I had to work too much and I did not earn enough money; and in the last one, I had an unfriendly and inconsiderate boss. However, since I was a child I liked music and dancing. Some people told me about the idea of working as a dancer... I think I would earn a lot of money, but I still think it is not a good idea for now, because I have to be fit first. Nonetheless, if I work I think I want to do it on my own, starting a new music store company which will sell music CDs, music DVDs, books and movies. I know… it sounds like “Feria Mix”, but I believe it would be the best job for me, because I love music and I love seeing people’s face when they buy the things they like and especially when they are happy because of this.

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