Monday, November 8, 2010

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

By Romina Alvarez

                  Differences between women and men are frequently the center of jokes, and the biggest question that human kind has done is: why are women and men so different from each other? Women tend to communicate better than men, talking about any issue, intuiting emotions more quickly and being more empathic, whereas men tend to be less talkative and a little bit slower at intuiting people’s emotions. That can explain why friendship between men is different from friendship between women. Another important difference is that women are more emotional than men. This is because of our limbic system, which is usually deeper than men’s. Because of this, we have a better capacity to express our feelings, or to get depressed, and something very important: to be a mother, whereas men tend to be stronger and less emotional than us. Another difference between women and men is the way of thinking. Although they can think similar things and make similar decisions, the process that they use can be a little different. While women are more complicated when solving some problem, men tend to be simpler. While men believe it is almost impossible to understand women, a common mistake that women usually commit is thinking that men think or understand something from our point of view. So, even when we cannot understand all the existing differences between women and men, we can quote the famous phrase “We do not have to understand them, we have to love them”.

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